Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Joining the Blogging Generation

I am going to attempt blogging...I spend almost all of my free time knitting whatever passion I am into at the moment, socks right now, and it leaves me very little time for anything else. Of course, knitting is very therapeutic and relaxing to me and thus, the reason I let it monopolize my time. One row leads to two, two leads to three so one and so forth and eventually, a nice handmade garment appears. So much beautiful yarn, so many patterns, so little time.....
And how could I possible do this without my faithful and loyal cat by my feet. I swear he has "yarn" radar..I start knitting an he appears :) He loves to use the skeins of yarn as pillows. As a treat, I knitted him a "mock" bed, a big square of knitted yarn, so there would always be something for him to sleep on whether I was knitting or not.

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